Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Single Conviction with Multiple Mistakes


Tonight a clearly confused and tired federal jury convicted former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on only one of 24 corruption counts brought against him. The one conviction, not surprisingly at this point, came on one of the least serious charges of lying to federal agents. Ironically, this is the same felony that put Martha Stewart behind bars a few years ago. The jury deadlocked on the other 23 counts including the most publicized and controversial matter of whether or not he tried to sell the Senate seat of President Obama. Blagojevich could have faced up to 20 years in prison if convicted of some of the more serious charges, but alas he wasnt. Prosecutors say they will retry the case but if they plan to do so, they need to spend some serious time reevaluating their approach because the next round is on the American taxpayers dime. How do you feel about that?

Let The Games Begin

Hey Guys -

Just to make things a bit easier for those of you trying to find all of the blogs and twitters so that we can all follow each other, I thought I would post my twitter address here:


Hope you're able to find everyone and have a great first week back at school!
