Monday, October 25, 2010

Mass Media Mix Up

The Original Picture
 A new television ad, paid for by Tim Walberg for Congress, blasts U.S. Rep Mark Schauer linking him to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the federal stimulus plan and the health care reform bill. In the last few  seconds of the ad there is a picture of Schauer standing next to Pelosi as if they are arm in arm. The problem you ask? It appears as if the picture was doctored. Schauer is the Democratic nominee seeking re-election to Michigan's 7th Congressional District.  Republican Tim Walberg, a former U.S. representative is running against Schauer and is responsible for this latest media mix up. The original photo was taken on June 10 on the balcony of the Polosi's office and it appears that four people who posed with the two lawmakers have been removed: two Michigan State University students who won the 2010 National Debate Tournament last year, their coach and debate director. In the original picture there were three people standing between Pelosi and Schauer. The Michigan group had been invited to Pelosi's office after their championship win and that is when Pelosi's office invited Schauer, also an MSU alumnus, to join in on the celebration. The head coach of the debate team (who was originally in the photo) said, "None of it was political. It was just recognizing the team," As soon as Repko saw the ad, he knew the photo had been altered. Repko said, "I thought, 'Hey, this looks familiar ...the typical person would have no idea that it was Photoshopped." Schauer's office concluded the photo was digitally altered. Spokesman Zack Pohl says, "the fact that Tim Walberg feels comfortable disrespecting MSU students is disappointing and, frankly, should be beneath a former member of Congress." Walberg's campaign of course was unable to be reached and did not return calls for comment.