Monday, September 27, 2010

Not Sure What To Think ...

This just in from the New York Times: Obama and Congress apparently DON’T have a problem with the Patriot Act and Bush policies that make it easier to catch suspected terrorists. Despite their continuous Bush bashing about how the laws set in place to protect our freedom and safety violate our rights to privacy, the Obama administration would like to extend those laws to include every form of communication known to man. No longer will your phones be the only place the US government can listen in. If Congress has any say they will soon be able to follow your every move on facebook, twitter, skype, mobile phone communication including texts, etc. Top Obama and FBI officials argue that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is “going dark” because people are increasingly communicating online instead of by telephone. Back to the Bush bashing previously done by the Obama administration with regards to civilian privacy being violated for the government’s overprotective surveillance. In the United States, phone and broadband networks have been required to have interception capabilities since 1994 when the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act was passed WAY before the Bush era. Interesting how the Obama administration now backs something they were once so very critical of. I cant wait to see how this unfolds in the coming weeks. Thoughts?

GA Pastor Fighting Sex Allegations

I’m sure this will not be the first time you have heard the name Bishop Eddie Long. Bishop Long is pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia and is being accused of alleged sexual misconduct against 4 different men. Bishop Long made a speech last night to a congregation of more than 3,000. While Bishop Long never denied the allegations, he did state, “I have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man. But I am not the man that’s being portrayed on the television. That’s not me. That is not me.” He went on to state in one of his two twenty minute sermons that, “I feel like David against Goliath, but I’ve got five rocks and I haven’t thrown one of them yet.” Interestingly enough, unlike the lifestyles of most Pastors, between the years 1997 and 2000 Bishop Long is reported to have received over $3.07 million in salary and benefits, including his $1.4 million mansion and a $350,000 Bentley that he still drives. This will be a story that will be at the forefront of the news for quite some time, I am sure and it will be very interesting to see how it continues to develop as more information is uncovered and more facts are brought to light. My question to you is how do you feel about the financial aspect of the pastors life being related to this story? Is the media focusing on something that does not relate?