Thursday, September 9, 2010

Slow Down, Its Not a Child

Lets talk about what a terrible idea this is. You can go here to see the original story on this optical illusion on a rural street in Canada, but the basic idea behind this is that people driving will see the little girl, think she is real and slow down before they realize she is just painted on the road. The very first thing that comes to mind for me is, wonderful it MIGHT work one time and then people wont pay any attention to it. Furthermore, when driving along some other road, after having passed something like this, someone might think they are coming up on another illusion, not slow down and actually hit a REAL child. The elderly, those who may not have sharp vision, those driving in the rain or at night all subject to falling into this category. I would love to know who came up with this idea, what city official(s) backed it and how other people feel about this?