Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Long For Barnes?

A sign for Roy Barnes sits in the front yard of the home of Bishop Eddie Long in Lithonia.

The above sign currently sits in the front yard of the home of Bishop Eddie Long in Lithonia, Georgia meaning current gubernatorial candidate Roy Barnes may have a not so welcome political supporter in Bishop Long. Upon further research, the former governor has known Bishop Long for more than 20 years, has had speaking engagements at his church and considers Long to be a friend. Beyond just a friendship, Bishop Long is on the finance committee for Barnes’ campaign for governor. Long actually co-hosted a fundraiser for Barnes during the primary, and has contributed $11,100 to the campaign. Before the allegations against Bishop Long arose, he was set to co-host another fundraiser for Barnes later this month. The gubernatorial candidate has since canceled the event and called the allegations against Long “troubling.” Barnes hasn’t cancelled ties with Bishop Long altogether, however, as Long still remains on Barnes’ campaign finance committee. Barnes told Channel 2 Action News, “the allegations are troubling, but there’s not been one deposition taken, not one thing. Let’s let the legal process work.” A spokesman for Long referred questions regarding the relationship between the two individuals back to Barnes’ campaign. The question now is will Barnes connection to Bishop Long have any impact on his political campaign?