Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I-Team Investigation on Deal

Yet again, more news has come out regarding the ethics investigation of former Congressman Nathan Deal and whether he used government resources for his private business. This is a very informative video in which it appears that the FOX I-Team has uncovered a paper trail proving Nathan Deal's chief of staff used congressional resources to further his private business. The investigation claims these are similar to the issue that lead to an ethics investigation of Deal in Washington. Let me know what you think after you watch the investigation video.

Chilean Miners Rescue

The long anticipated rescue of the trapped miners in Chile has come to and end, at least for the first eleven miners who have been brought to safety thus far. The first and strongest man brought to the surface late last night was Florencio Avalos. Rescue workers began by bringing the strongest men up first just in case anything went wrong in the shaft at any point in the process. Chilean president Pinera was quoted last night just after Avalos appeared saying, “No one ever lost faith, no one ever compromised or gave up. We made it happen.” After learning of the first miners rescue, President Obama said, "while that rescue is far from over and difficult work remains, we pray that by God’s grace, the miners will be able to emerge safely and return to their families soon.” Let's pray that all miners are rescued safely and return to their families and friends quickly. Also, let us remember what in influential role the media played in saving the lives of these men! In a society of such negative media, this is really a story that shines!