Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jessica Colotl Heads To Court

An issue that hits very close to home showed up on my TV this morning. Jessica Colotl, a senior Political Science major at Kennesaw State University, will appear in Cobb County court this morning asking for a jury trial in her recent on campus arrest. Colotl was pulled over by a KSU officer for impeding traffic but the when the officer discovered she was driving without a license, he took her to jail just as he would have done with any other Kennesaw State student. Upon arrival at the jail, authorities discovered Colotl is an illegal immigrant attending school here at KSU. Among the charges against her, Colotl was driving without a license, lied to arresting officers and is paying in state tuition for school. The Board of Regents has since made it more difficult for illegal immigrants to attend some of the states universities, but Colotl is being allowed to finish her senior year at KSU. I have tried to remain as neutral as possible in this particular post, but I would love to know your thoughts on this issue...