Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is Barnes Walking Down Easy Street?

The above is the September 21st cartoon by Mike Luckovich on the Georgia governor’s race and it is pretty self explanatory! With Nathan Deal facing major financial problems, candidate Roy Barnes is picking up speed heading into the November elections. An article in today's Marietta Daily Journal claims that Deal's financial woes are recasting the race all together. How interesting that what began as a tight and heated race has now become more and more one sided. Despite the recent revelations in Deal's personal financial situation, Georgia voters are still eager to hear what the candidate has to say. Has Nathan Deals personal financial problems eliminated his chance at being our next Governor? Is Roy Barnes in the clear for a victory?


  1. I think Deal's shortcomings are a problem for the GOP in this election. But, like all Americans, everyone stumbles in life. Deal may be in hot water, but Barnes has repeatedly admitted that his last term was a major disappointment.

    Luckovich's cartoon reminds me of the GOP's recently release "Promise to America". Much of the national election coverage was on the power-holding Democrats. Now that the GOP has released this 'promise', it has shifted the focus of the campaigns. As this cartoon exemplifies, you don't have to go after your opponent when he's already shooting him/herself in the foot!

  2. I'm not sure that Deal is completely out of the race yet. Especially in this economy people fall on hard times all the time, but it'll be his perseverance that proves to people whether he really wants it or not. Plus, people are pretty disappointed with the way the Barnes has been doing things, so financial issues may not cause too many problems with voters. It may just re-enforce that he is like the average American and that he will fight for what's in our best interests.

  3. I definitely wouldn't say Barnes is in the clear especially since he is still behind in most polls. Georgia is still a Republican state, and therefore most Republicans here don't care so they're going to vote for Deal anyway. This race will go to show just like most other races that the only thing that matters is the letter next to candidate's name on the ballot. Libertarian candidate John Monds is by far the least controversial candidate in the race yet he still gets no respect. If only people would vote on principle and not party. Let everyone be reminded of the quote at the top of your page.

  4. I couldnt agree with you more Mr. Puckett. That is a different point of view that I hadnt thought of, yet it makes the most sense. Wow, thank you for shedding light on that!
