Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tax Wars In Georgia Governor's Race

Labor Day weekend only provided a short rest for Georgia voters as new ads return today from candidates on both sides of the Governor's race. After Democratic candidate Roy Barnes released his tax returns from 1984-2009, he challenged his opponent Nathan Deal to do the same. Soon after, Republican candidate Nathan Deal released his tax returns from 1981-2009.
Along with the release of his tax records, Deal challenged Barnes to release some information he feels the public needs to see. Deal called on Barnes to release 1. In the past eight years, how many cases has he or his firm tried in front of judges whom he appointed to the bench? 2. How much money did Barnes or his firm earn in those cases?
Barnes campaign has yet to acknowledge deals request, but does claims that the information released from the Deal campaign with regards to taxes is insufficient and not the complete picture. The add at the top of the post is the most recent of Barnes TV ad's attacking Deal's congressional investigation. Thoughts on how this race may heat up even further in the near future?

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