Friday, November 5, 2010

Obamacare Repeal an Option?

Election results are in and what a turn out for the GOP. As of this morning, Democrats hold 53 Senate seats while the GOP has 47, a Republican gain of 6. In the House, the GOP gained an astonishing 60 seats leaving Democrats with only 196 seats to the Republicans 239. GOP also picked up 23 governors races across the country Tuesday while Democrats only secured 10. In what proved to be a key turning point in the GOP, this midterm election could possibly reverse everything president Obama has done in office thus far. Ok, everything might be a stretch, but it would reverse some of the most prominent actions of the Obama Administration for sure. The GOP is already, as promised in every campaign across the nation, looking at ways to repeal the universal healthcare bill and other less controversial policies that have recently been put in place by the Obama administration. Thoughts?


  1. It's going to be tough for Republicans to make too many major changes because they only control half of one branch of government. They will definitely slow down and stop a lot of the Democrats' agenda. We'll see how 2012 turns out, but until then their actions are limited. I think the last major policies from Obamacare will be put in place in or by 2014, so they can repeal what they want if they they manage to back the Senate and the White House in 2012. So, all we can do now is sit back and wait to see what the future holds.

  2. If the GOP thought repeal was a viable option, they wouldn't have fought it so hard in the first place. Repealing the simple humanitarian reforms that were enacted (eg., elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions for children) would be as politically suicidal as trying to repeal medicare. It wouldn't happen if Mitt Romney gets elected in 2012. What is he going to say; "health reform was good for Massachusetts, but it won't work in the rest of the country?" Ain't gonna happen.
