Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jessica Colotl Heads To Court

An issue that hits very close to home showed up on my TV this morning. Jessica Colotl, a senior Political Science major at Kennesaw State University, will appear in Cobb County court this morning asking for a jury trial in her recent on campus arrest. Colotl was pulled over by a KSU officer for impeding traffic but the when the officer discovered she was driving without a license, he took her to jail just as he would have done with any other Kennesaw State student. Upon arrival at the jail, authorities discovered Colotl is an illegal immigrant attending school here at KSU. Among the charges against her, Colotl was driving without a license, lied to arresting officers and is paying in state tuition for school. The Board of Regents has since made it more difficult for illegal immigrants to attend some of the states universities, but Colotl is being allowed to finish her senior year at KSU. I have tried to remain as neutral as possible in this particular post, but I would love to know your thoughts on this issue...


  1. Jessica has lived here most of her life, so of course she would have wanted to be educated here since this is her home. If the school did not charge her out-of-state tuition, then its KSU's fault for overlooking the lack of social security number. However, it's kinda annoying to hear he media say the same argument over and over again that ALL undocumented people do not pay taxes. Well, the majority actually do. They get tax Id numbers and pay into the social security fund (with every pay check) that they will never see a dime of when the time comes. When they go to the stores, they pay sales taxes, etc.... I am particularly disgusted that the Board Regents passed that regulation since these kids are being punished for wanting an education. It is not their fault they were brought here as children. They regard this country as their own just as much as I or any other citizen does. The argument that they are taking seats from residents is kinda lame to me since the amount is so minimal. But sure let's go ahead and put more kids on the street and deny them an education for something that they couldn't control. As far as lying, I dunno if I can believe everything the sheriff says. I mean she was probably scared to death because she knew her legal status, but how was she supposed to go to school if not by car. It's always a risk that these people take when they need to go somewhere. Other than that it will be interesting to keep following this story.

  2. laradillas - I disagree. The majority pay taxes? I'd like to see proof of this (as far as anonymous tax ID numbers). Yes, I understand all pay taxes on purchased goods.

    As for the fact that she did knock someone out of a place a KSU - that amount is minimal!? It's one for one. What do you think that person who was knocked out is doing today? I was denied from UGA in 2001. I am NOT saying it was due to illegals but darn it, it's a possibility. I was on the bubble. Am I not allowed to attend my state university because an illegal immigrant has claimed my seat? That is not minimal in the least.

    I feel for this girl, I really do. But we cannot pick and choose the laws we wish to follow.

    And - I am glad she is being allowed to complete her education seeing how she is almost finished (out-of-state tuition hopefully). I just feel we have legal citizens that deserve the slot.

    And for the love of God, I welcome legal immigrants with open arms and I feel deeply for undocumented that feel they must flee their own country. I know we are blessed (and I'm not even religious!).

  3. Thank you so very much for seeing the RATIONAL and LEGAL side of this Acardell. While you may think that most illegal immigrants pay taxes, they don’t. Yes they pay sales tax but EVERYONE pays sales tax. It baffles me how the United States is so willing to drop the "illegal" off of the current immigration debate. If all laws were up for negotiation the way immigration is, laws would become suggestions and America would be in anarchy. Regardless of her need to get to school, she BROKE THE LAW by driving her car without a license. You say she had to get to school, that is true she did but there are many other LEGAL options. I will stop here, but in closing I will say ILLEGAL immigrants should not be allowed in state funded institutions and I agree with the Regents decision.

  4. I'll be honest I don't think people who are here illegally should be receiving a state funded education. I completely agree that children who are brought over at a young age have no choice in the matter....but you reach a certain age when you're old enough to make your own decisions. If you can DECIDE to go to a public university, why can't you decide to take the needed steps to do things legally. The "can't help it" excuse is really starting to irritate me honestly, we all have choices in what we do and how we do them, especially college students. I really do feel bad for this girl honestly, but from a legal standpoint you can't allow one person to slip through and then tell the next case that comes up they have a different result under the same law. I have no problems with people coming to the U.S. trying to better their lives, but do it the right way and don't try to scheme your way in.
